Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oracle Datamining 11gR2 Repository Installation on Oracle Database

We followed below steps to install Oracle Datamining 11gR2 Repository our Oracle Database [Exadata V2]:

Download scrits for ODM 11.2 form
and follow steps below:

1. Check Data Mining Option is installed in the database, if not then install Oracle Option on the Oracle Database:

SELECT * FROM V$OPTION where value='TRUE' and parameter='Data Mining';

If above returns a row then Data Mining Option is installed on the Database.
If it is not installed then install it using MOS Note:ID 818314.1

2. Check Oracle Text is installed:

select * from dba_registry where comp_id = 'CONTEXT';

If above returns no rows then, install Oracle Text using MOS Note:ID 970473.1

3. Check XML/XDB is installed:

select * from dba_registry where comp_id ='XDB';

If above returns no rows then, install XML using MOS Note:ID 1292089.1

** But while inatalling XDB we found below error, because JVM was not installed on this DB, so we need to install JVM:

GRANT javauserpriv TO xdb
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01919: role 'JAVAUSERPRIV' does not exist

4. Check whether JAVA/JVM is installed:

select owner, count(*) from all_objects
where object_type like '%JAVA%' group by owner;

select * from dba_registry where comp_id in('CATJAVA','JAVAVM');

If JVM is not installed then install it using MOS Note:1112983.1

After JVM installation, run below command:

SQL> GRANT javauserpriv TO xdb;

5.Create tablespace for ODM repository:

CREATE TABLESPACE "TBS_ODM" DATAFILE '+DATA1(DATAFILE)' SIZE 1024M auto extend off; --need atleast 1GB space

6. Create ODM user:

create user ODMUSER identified by password;
alter user ODMUSER default tablespace TBS_ODM temporary tablespace TEMP;
grant create session to ODMUSER;
alter user ODMUSER quota unlimited on TBS_ODM;-- [for default tablespace]

Nevigate to unzipped folder of downloaded and run commands in the below steps from sqlplus:

7. Create ODM Repository:[@installodmr.sql ][as sysdba]
set serveroutput on
set echo on
@installodmr.sql TBS_ODM TEMP

8. Granting a User the Rights to Access the Repository: [@usergrants.sql ]
set serveroutput on
set echo on
@usergrants.sql ODMUSER

Now Check as: [tested with sqldeveloper-]
- Open Oracle sql developer
- goto View > Data Miner > Data Miner > Dataminer Connection
- Give: Connection Name, Username, password and connection details
- "Data Miner Panel" will be shown
- Now form Data Miner Panel, try to browse your newly created connection
and you will not be warrened some thing like "no data miner repository found"

9. To drop ODM repository:


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